

持有 当大学办公室阻止注册时,出现在KU体育记录上. 在您注册之前,持有需要您采取一些行动. 例如:欠大学的资金, 需要其他学校的成绩单, 学术悬挂, 免疫接种, 或者国际学生问题. 您可以通过登录查看您的保留和放置保留的部门 MyFAU. 然后联系每个发出等待请求的部门.


The Self-Service registration system automatically classifies new non-degree 学生 as equal to freshman with zero credits. 这意味着没有学位的学生必须获得许多课程的授权. 获取授权, contact the Student Services Office at the college that offers the courses you wish to take. You may need to provide proof that you have met the prerequisites for the courses by showing an unofficial transcript from another school.

闭会期间注册请提交 非学位课间注册表格 关于非学位休会 公开报名日期

Note: Non-degree 学生 are only eligible to register for courses a week before classes start. 我们不能保证KU体育课程一定能上.


注册错误通常是由课程的限制和要求引起的. 当学生没有达到课程的要求时, 自助服务系统在注册时显示以下一个或多个错误. 要查看对课程的限制,请参见下文.


在搜索了一个类之后 课程安排,你会看到课程标题被加了下划线. Click on the title in order to view prerequisites, corequisites, and other restrictions.




此错误表明您没有达到必修课程的先决条件。. 例如:一个学生想注册CHM 2211(有机化学2). chm2211的先决条件是chm2210(有机化学1)的成绩为“C”或以上, 但是这个学生没有达到要求. 在注册之前,一定要查看课程的先决条件. 您可以通过点击课程标题来查看这些信息 课程安排 并选择“先决条件”选项卡.

注:如果你转学到FAU, 注册系统可能不承认KU体育转学课程为先决条件. Meet with your advisor as soon as possible to have your prior courses evaluated as meeting prerequisites.

注意:如果你正在尝试注册在线商学院课程, 请查看他们的 网页 并与KU体育学术顾问会面以获取更多信息.

连读课程是两门必须同时选修的独立课程. 这些包括必须在课堂上进行的实验和讨论. 注册链接课程时,必须同时提交crn. The linked classes can be found by clicking on the linked sections tab in the class details when viewing the course in the 课程安排.  To unlink a course, you will need permission from your advisor or the professor teaching the course.

ACG 2021 (Lec)和ACG 2021 (Lab)
MAC 1105 (Lec)和MAC 1105 (Lab)



这表明该课程仅限于某一所大学, and the Self-Service system does not recognize you as being declared within that college. Students who wish to take a course that is not part of their declared major should meet with their advisor for authorization. 之后,联系开设该课程的学院,获得注册许可.


有些课程只对某些专业或未成年人开放. Students who wish to take a course that is not part of their declared major should meet with their advisor for authorization. 之后,联系开设该课程的学院,获得注册许可.


这指的是KU体育等级是大二(30-59学分), 大三(60-89学分), 或高级(90学分或以上). 有些课程受分类限制. If course credits needed for the required classification are currently "in progress" or awaiting official transcripts, 然后KU体育导师可能会give你授权, 一旦收到正在进行的注册证明. Currently enrolled courses are counted in this process even though grades have not been posted.

Example: A student with 59 credits is a sophomore and does not qualify for a course that requires junior standing (60 credits or more). 这个学生需要选择一门不同的课程. 如果学生已经用尽了所有的课程选择, 学生应与指导老师会面,以确定是否有其他选择.


Some course sections are designated with a Campus of “Distance Learning” and are restricted to only allow 学生 who are enrolled in a fully online program of study. You can view this restriction in the Class Details section of the Searchable 时间表 under the Restrictions tab of a course section. The message will indicate that the a student must be enrolled in the Distance Learning (76) campus (aka, 学习计划),通常会列出对特定专业的限制.

A campus restriction will also display for 学生 who are enrolled in a fully online program of study (Distance 学习校园76),限制他们的注册只能完全在线课程. This message will indicate that the course the student is trying to register for is not an online course.  


某些课程需要部门或讲师的批准才能参加. You must contact the appropriate department or professor to obtain approval to register for these courses. 要想知道要联系哪个系或教授,首先要在网上找到该课的位置 课程安排. 课程旁边列出了教练的名字, 当你点击他们的名字时,联系信息就会出现. If there is no instructor or contact information listed, please reach out to the department. 识别部门, 点击带下划线的课程标题以显示有关该课程的其他信息. 部门在“Catalog”选项卡中列出. 如果注册被批准,你就可以登录KU体育 MyFAU 登记并注册课程.


当班级中所有分配的座位都被占用时,会出现此错误. 只有指导员才能允许您覆盖该容量. 在某些情况下, the instructor cannot enter a student in a class if the room is at fire capacity or in a lab that has limited resources. If the instructor agrees, the student may be given permission online and then may register via MyFAU. 然而, please note that many instructors will not consider overrides into closed courses yet others will for unique circumstances. If a course is closed, your first option should be to select another section or another class.


Corequisite courses are two (sometimes three) separate courses that must be taken concurrently. 在注册必修课程时,必须同时提交crn. The requisite classes can be found by clicking on the corequisites tab in the class details when viewing the 课程安排.
NUR 3106L必须与NUR 3145和NUR 3715同时进行.
EEL 3111必须与MAP 2302和MAC 2313同时进行.
MUC 4600必须与MUC 4343同时进行.


This indicates that you are attempting to drop below the minimum numbers of credits that is required to be enrolled in for the semester. Students who are in their final semester or those with extenuating circumstances preventing them from being enrolled in the minimum number of credits need to talk to an academic advisor to obtain permission to drop below the required minimum.


The maximum hours exceeded error indicates that a student is attempting to register for more than your allowed number of credits within a term.  这个政策对于本科生和研究生是不同的.  

本科生:  Students need to obtain course overload authorization from their academic advisor to exceed their allowable maximum credits. It is suggested that 学生 talk to their advisor about exceeding the maximum hours for the term.  如果give出了课程过载授权, 然后,学生可以通过他们的网站注册额外的课程 MyFAU 账户.

研究生:  研究生一学期修满15学分需经批准.  有些项目有更严格的限制. 学生必须提交一份批准文件 表格10申请放弃大学要求 到研究生院.  It is suggested that 学生 talk to their advisor about exceeding the maximum hours for the term.  如果表格10被批准, 然后,学生可以通过他们的网站注册额外的课程 MyFAU 账户.


The time conflict error occurs when two courses that the student is trying to register for overlap by at least five minutes. The student would need to talk to an advisor and/or the professors of the classes to obtain permission to take both of these classes.


This restriction is based on being in a certain population at FAU like the Honors Program, 会计学者计划等. Please choose a different section or contact the instructor of the course to see if an override can be granted into this course.


This indicates that you have registered for the class twice before and would need to see your academic advisor to obtain permission to register for this class for a third or more time.