Registering for Classes

Registration Dates


Registration Opens**

Classes Start**

Fall 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024 Saturday, August 17, 2024

Spring 2025

Friday, December 20, 2024 Saturday, January 4, 2025

Summer 2025

Monday, May 5, 2025 Saturday, May 10, 2025
**All Dates are subject to changes

As a student at FAU, there are other important dates that you must be aware of, such as the last day to pay fees, the last day of drop/add, and the last day to withdraw with a “W”. Please check the Academic Calendar for these and other important dates and deadlines.



Fall and Spring
双轨制学生在全学期内最多可注册8个学分. 学生没有资格注册部分学期课程.

双注册学生最多可以注册4个学分. 学生有资格在学期的任何部分注册课程.

General Guidelines
Dual Enrollment students may not register for:

  1. 三学分以下之课程,且无相应之讲座或实验
  2. Courses that are pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory
  3. Directed independent study courses
  4. Study abroad courses
  5. Graduate level courses
  6. Courses for which prerequisites have not been met
    • FAU不记录双录取学生的考试成绩或成绩单. 如果您认为由于考试学分或其他大学课程(非FAU),您已经达到了先决条件, 那么你必须在课程期间直接向系里申请撤销.


  1. ECO 2013 – Macroeconomics
  2. ECO 2023 – Microeconomics
  3. GEB 2011 – Introduction to Business
  4. ISM 2000 – Information Systems Fundamentals

你注册的任何课程都必须列在许可表上. 更新的许可表格可以提交,直到删除/添加的最后一天. After drop/add is over, 如果您的许可表上没有列出您的课程,您将被除名.

If you withdraw from a course after the drop/add deadline, 你将不再有资格参加FAU的双注册.

Prepare for Registration

作为一名双注册学生,一旦注册开放,你就需要注册自己的课程. 在注册之前,您必须解决任何先决条件和/或许可要求.

点击课程标题(或者在  Searchable Schedule  or on your  MyFAU  registration page). 您应该得到一个弹出框,其中有多个选项卡,其中包含有关课程的详细信息. 选择“先决条件”或“限制”选项卡,查看课程注册前的要求. If there are restrictions listed that you do not meet, 您将需要联系部门或教师,以请求注册访问. 对于不符合所列要求的课程,不能保证注册许可.

如果你打算上数学课,你必须先参加  ALEKS placement test  and achieve the minimum scores. For more information, please contact the  FAU Testing Center.

Course selections must be approved by your high school. 签署的许可表格是高中表示同意的方式. 我们建议在此表格上列出其他课程,以防您的第一选择无法提供. 如果你注册的课程没有在你签署的许可表上列出, 您必须在删除/添加的最后一天提交更新的许可表. 在此日期之后,您将被取消许可表上没有的任何课程.



Register for Classes

注册打开后,您可以登录您的MyFAU页面并访问注册网站. After logging in, the follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your  MyFAU account
    如果您不知道您的MyFAU帐户用户ID和/或密码是什么, 请到以下网站激活您的帐户:
  2. Select  FAU Self Service
  3. Select  Student Services
  4. Select  Registration
  5. Select  Registration (Add or Drop Classes)
  6. Click on the box that says  “Click Here for Registration”
  7. Select  Register for Classes
  8. Select the term that you want to register for and click  Continue
  9. 您可以使用可搜索的时间表注册课程, entering the CRN, or from a registration plan (Plan Ahead)
  10. After searching for classes, select the  Add Course  button
  11. 在注册摘要部分,课程应该列出“Pending”和“Web Registered”。
      1. I   注册等候名单部分,请参阅下面的附加说明    
  12. To add the course, select  Submit  at the bottom right

有关详细的注册步骤和视频演练,请查看  Registration Info  page. 有关课程注册的更多信息可在  FAQ page, and  Common Registration Issues and Solutions(registration errors) page.

Searching for Classes

*请注意:在使用Plan Ahead或注册课程时,一次只打开一个浏览器窗口是很重要的.*


如果一个班级已达到其最大入学限制,您可以选择将您的名字添加到候补名单中. If a space opens up in the class, 您将通过FAU电子邮件收到注册机会的通知.

Adding yourself to the waitlist  does not  automatically enroll you in the course. 您必须将您的注册更新为“网上注册”,以填补空缺. If action is not taken in the allotted time, 你将被从候补名单中除名,座位将留给下一个人.

To add yourself to the waitlist:

  1. Log in to your  MyFAU account
    如果您不知道您的MyFAU帐户用户ID和/或密码, use this link to activate your account: 如果找不到您的帐户或您无法登录,请致电561-297-3999与帮助台联系.
  2. Select  FAU Self Service
  3. Select  Student Services
  4. Select  Registration
  5. Select  Registration (Add or Drop Classes)
  6. Click on the box that says  “Click Here for Registration”
  7. Select  Register for Classes
  8. Select the term that you want to register for and click  Continue
  9. 您可以使用可搜索的时间表注册课程, entering the CRN, or from a registration plan (Plan Ahead)
  10. After searching for classes, select the  Add Course  button
  11. 在注册汇总部分,将Action框更改为“等待列表”。
  12. Select  Submit  at the bottom right

如果您收到FAU的电子邮件通知,该课程有空位, 您必须将“Action”框更改为“Web Registered”并按“Submit”以注册该课程.

If action is not taken in the allotted time, 你将被从候补名单中除名,座位将留给下一个人. To remove yourself from the waitlist, 你可以在收到等候名单邮件后不采取任何行动, 或者您可以通过以下步骤手动从注册页面中删除自己.

To remove yourself from the waitlist:

  1. Log in to your  MyFAU account
  2. Select  FAU Self Service
  3. Select  Student Services
  4. Select  Registration
  5. Select  Registration (Add or Drop Classes)
  6. Click on the box that says  “Click Here for Registration”
  7. Select  Register for Classes
  8. Select the term and click  Continue
  9. 在注册摘要部分,将Action框更改为“Web drop”。
  10. Select  Submit  at the bottom right

有关课程注册的更多信息,请访问  FAQ page,以及常见的注册问题和解决方案  here. You can also watch a tutorial on how to register  here.

*请注意:在使用Plan Ahead或注册课程时,一次只打开一个浏览器窗口是很重要的.*